Sunday, September 28, 2008

(8) I miss mayberry (8)

Eighteen years of attempting to look cute has gotten me no where. That's the moral of the story tonight.

So today was a really good day for me. I'm in Logan again which makes me super happy. It also makes me kind of sad because I have to leave and go back to real life, but it's worth it.

Things are a tiny bit different though. I talked to Katie about this and how certain things I say and do are starting to reflect a few of the people from school rather than friends from high school. It's weird to think that little things like that are changing, and it kind of scares me. I mean I'm pretty much by myself at college and so I've had to basically start completely over. It was really hard at first, but I've started making friends and so it's been easier. It's just weird to think that the people I choose to associate with really do influence me as much as they do. It's so important to surround yourself with good people, and I'm really starting to realize that lately. It kind of makes me sad to think that parts of me are changing. I suppose that it's something that's to be expected, but it just kind of made me take a moment to reflect on where I'm headed and stuff. It was good for me to realize that things are changing, but it's still weird. I'm still the same me, but I'm being influenced by different people. It's just different, and I hadn't really noticed it until today.

So yeah, I'm pretty tired so I think I'm going to head to bed. Have a great night, friends. I hope you're all doing well.



Kortney said...

Ephraim is closer than Logan. Maybe you should come down here sometime...

Jaron Frost said...

Yeah... I've been noticing stuff like that too. Rachel has picked up some phrases and things from her roommates. They're not bad or anything, but it's interesting how other people rub off on us. :)