Monday, October 20, 2008

"Happiness is your heritage"

Well today was interesting. Did I do anything monumental? Not really. Did I learn a few things that I can do better? I sure did. I had a few of those "Melissa, things really aren't as bad as you're making them out to be," moments. One of those moments happened while I was talking to a new friend. She's kind of having some of the same struggles that I'm having, but she told me that she knows that the U is where she needs to be so she's decided to put her all into it. She's going to make school one of her top priorities.

Am I ready for that right now? No. I can feel in my heart that I'm not ready to let go of some things and make school and making new friends my focus. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance everything, but I feel like in the next little while I'll be able to figure out all that stuff. There have been some nights (my blogging can attest to this) where I've been really really ready to move forward and to be better and to change the world, feed the hungry, and be awesome. I think that doing all of that is going to take a lot more work than I anticipated. So my new plan is to start out slow. I'm changing small things instead of my whole life. I'm being me, but I'm trying to move towards doing things a little bit better than before. I'm not ready for HUGE changes right now. I've had enough of those in the past little while. Now I'm ready to focus on a few smaller things that can be improved.

Things are going to be all right. Good night, friends. I really hope things are going well for you.


"As spirit daughters of our Heavenly Father, happiness is your heritage." -Dieter Uchtdorf

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