Sunday, October 26, 2008

(8) It's not like you (8)

Hey, friends. I don't really have anything special to write about tonight, but I do like writing on my blog. This weekend has been pretty interesting for me. It was so great to see everyone. It's just great to have people around me that really care about me. It was nice.

The quote of the day is a pretty awesome one. It's from this last conference, and I think it sort of sums up what I need to do right now. Things are different, but that doesn't mean it has to be miserable. I'm going to try my very best to "love it."

I guess I really don't have too much to say tonight. I just wanted to stop by and let you all know that things are going well. Things are moving along and I'm learning and growing. I hope that you're all doing well tonight as well. Good night, friends. Good luck with your week.


"Come what may, and love it." -Joseph B. Wirthlin's mother

1 comment:

Rachel Frost said...

Aww... you make me warm and fluffy inside. I love reading your posts. Keep at it!