Thursday, November 13, 2008

(8) nee, nay, nah, no, noo (8)

So something pretty spectacular happened this very day. Flash back about three and a half hours ago to my voice lesson. I walked into said lesson with little else on my mind but making it through the lesson without drying out my throat because I lost my water bottle. I was focused on making it through and getting to other parts of my day. So we start with the usual "nee nay nah no noo" warm-up and I feel like I'm doing pretty well. Now fast forward 20 minutes. We're starting a more difficult warm-up and he tells me a specific ways he wants me to sing the warm-up. So I do. Then, the break through. Suddenly I was singing all mature like. My teacher says, "I think we found Melissa's voice," and we continue to work on it. It was amazing. I have NEVER heard myself sound so... grown up while I sing. I mean I'm not going to be an opera star or anything, but I sounded mature. It's cool. There was so much more power and freedom in my voice. It was really really really cool, and it made me feel pretty good too.

Today's been interesting, and that story might have been a bit more exciting about 3 hours ago when my lesson was over. I was feeling pretty giddy around that time. But it's still a good story and a good day. I have a lot more day left, but I'm excited for it.

I really just wanted to stop in and write about that story. So, I'll be posting again tomorrow hopefully. Have a super good night, friends. I hope you're all doing really well.



Kortney said...

That's so awesome Melissa! I'm so happy for you! I want to hear this voice sometime ;)

Katie Ann said...

First off: You found your voice!!! Still as exciting as the like 16 hours ago when it happened. Way to be :D I can't wait to hear the real Melissa ;) Secondly: I got a shout out :D Thirdly, (that's a fun word) you're writing again!! Hooray!! And finally, I have one test down and one to go. Hooray! I'll be home in like five hours. Good things are happening. I hope you have a fabulous day. It's Friday. How beautiful is that? Anyway, thanks for your message. It was pretty great. I loved how you just started talking about dinner and then realized you were still leaving a message. Good times :D Saving that one ;) Anyway, love you, love you, love you!