Thursday, October 09, 2008

(8) Try a little tenderness (8)

Today was a relatively good day for me. I feel like my midterms and test went pretty well. The sight singing was a lot better than I thought it would be, and she's a really nice teacher so that helps too. I used to be really quite terrible at sight singing, and it's been cool to see my progress with that one. Pre-performance wasn't so bad either. There were only a few things that i didn't know the answers to. Matching muscles to what their role is in singing was kind of difficult for me, but I really liked the IPA. I got the poem right and I didn't even need to look at my chart. That made me feel pretty good.

In brass study, Mike and I waited until the very last to test on our song. It was actually pretty funny because the rest of the class left because class was over. So it ended up being just me, the teacher, Mike, and a few people that decided to stay because they didn't have class. I did a lot better than I thought I would, and I got to have a pretty good laugh with Mike. It was actually kind of fun aside from still shaking because I was scared. haha Keyboarding really well too, and I did just fine on the song.

I know there was no way i could have done all of those things on my own. There was definitely a lot of divine intervention and I'm really grateful for that. I was so scared for today, and it turned out pretty well.

My sorority was interesting tonight... I'm still trying to get used to it I guess. And I wish that I had someone in there that I knew. Everyone else joined with a friend so I'm a little lonely at the moment. Plus I got lost on the way there. I HATE getting lost because I get so stressed out while I'm lost. But I eventually found it and was only forty five minutes late. They still hadn't started though so it wasn't a big deal.

So yeah, today was a pretty good day for me. I'm exhausted, but I get to sleep in a little bit tomorrow morning which will be really nice. I hope you're all doing well and that things are going well for you. Have a spectacular night and a lovely weekend.


PS Quote of the day: "Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine." -President Gordon B. Hinckley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Melissa,
First, I like that quote. It says to walk with joy about our testimony of things divine, which is exactly what you mentioned in your blog. Love it. Anyway, that's awesome that you did well on all of your tests. I really respect how hard you're working. I feel so lazy at times. I just don't work that hard. It's hurting me spiritually, so i'm trying to fill my time productively. I've been more physically active lately, but I still am lazy. I hope you enjoy sleeping in a little. Have a nice night.
James Gardner
P.S. I just am so glad that you blog. It's a great way to stay connected.