Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Crazy Ladies!

All right, so the crazy ladies is us. :D Our volleyball team had some serious hyperness issues today. IT WAS AMAZING!! We played like we've never played before. We were on one today, and it was spectacular! We are the only team that is undefeated. Yeah that's right. You can mark that one in the record books.

I was actually kind of worried that we wouldn't have enough players. It was about 5 minutes before our first game and we only had 3 girls. But by the time the game started we had 7. And I think we had 9 by the end of our games. It's so different than when I was a beehive. We had so many girls. I think we had 60 in our whole young womens, and 40 that actually came. We had enough girls that came to volleyball to make 3 teams. We were lending our girls to smaller wards right and left. So it's different now. Not bad. Just different. I kind of like the smaller ward thing though. We have more opportunities to be a close ward. And we are. I love my ward. And we rule at volleyball!

So pretty much the only reason that we do so well is because of our sportsmanship. Kudos to the girls. We congratulate everyone. If they mess up, we give them a pat on the back anyway. We cheer just as loud for the weaker players on our team. And even when someone does get mad, we let it blow over and in 2 minutes no one even remembers it.

So the moral of the story is that I love being on a team with good sportsmanship, it makes being posotive a lot easier. GO VOLLEYBALL GIRLS!


Courtney said...

we have MAYBE 10 girls in our young womens. usually about 5 who actually show up.

fabiano said...

I'm coming to be a male cheerleader! GO MOUNTAINVIEW WARD!!! Whoo! 8:30, right?

Fluffy said...

HAHA Jared you were the greatest male cheerleader I've ever seen! :D Thanks for being supportive. :D