Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well... I feel pretty awful, so I drew a picture of things that I love so that i would feel better. it's just off of paint, so I realize that it's terrible. It did make me feel better though, so it was worth it.

This isn't all of my favorites of course. I wanted to put music up there for sure, but I figured I already had it as my picture on my profile. Anyways, thanks to everyone who's been an awesome friend to me lately. I sure need it right now. Good luck to everyone.



Kortney said...

I feel the same way that you have the past few days! Three break downs in two weeks. I call my parents every single night. The friend thing is hard because i expect people like our group to be here. They aren't though... I'm having an extremely hard time with that. I love you so much Melissa and i want you to always remember that. I'm coming home tomorrow, and we'll catch up. I think it'll make us both feel better :D See you soon!

CJThatcher said...

Love the picture Melissa. Atta girl, way to be. I do admire the work you put in to feeling better about stuff, that's pretty great. I hope you're doing well, but you know that. I'm always here.