Thursday, January 01, 2009

(8) Little Moments like that (8)

So you'd think that since I have practically nothing to do that it would be a lot easier for me to post. I think I've only posted on this blog once since the break started. For the record, the break's been awesome fun.

You know, things really are going to be all right. I am just really blessed, and I'm so grateful that I know that things are going to turn out for the better no matter what. I have someone looking out for me, and I'm really grateful for that.

My mom said something that really stuck with me the other day. She said that she was trying harder to live in the moment instead of constantly looking forward to what was coming next and what needed to be done. I really took that to heart when she told me that because I'm often looking forward to things or waiting for the next seemingly better thing to come along. But really, sometimes I miss some pretty great moments because I'm waiting for the ones that I think will be better.

So I'm trying harder to take my mom's advice on that one. When I'm with certain people I'm trying to be happy about it and be in the moment. Because sometimes moments can be unexpectedly splendid even though we're not anticipating it.

I hope that you're all doing well tonight and that your break has been really great. I think you're all great and I'm glad that we're all just trying to do our best with what we've been given. I'm here if you need me ;)
