Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Well, my printer is really slow. I'm waiting for my essay to be printed and I needed four copies of it. Oh well.

I'm really grateful for my friends and family. I think it's so cool when I'm having a hard day and someone asks me if I'm doing ok and if they can help. It means so much to me when people take the time to talk with me.

I've kind of been having a hard night. I've just been really stressed out lately and it kind of caught up with me. Then Thatcher asked me if I was ok and if I wanted to talk and so we talked about his awesome trees and I really did feel better. It just felt good that somebody noticed that I needed a little cheering up. So thanks Thatcher. :D

And now Brad is talking to me too and so is Kortney. Thanks guys. You guys are what make my life happy :D

I have such great friends and I'm really grateful for them.

Life's good. It's busy and it's hard to balance everything, but it's good and I love it. I love all the people around me.

So this was just a reminder to all the people in my life. Thank you so much for all that you do for me. Without you, I wouldn't make it through.


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