So you'd think that since I have practically nothing to do that it would be a lot easier for me to post. I think I've only posted on this blog once since the break started. For the record, the break's been awesome fun.
You know, things really are going to be all right. I am just really blessed, and I'm so grateful that I know that things are going to turn out for the better no matter what. I have someone looking out for me, and I'm really grateful for that.
My mom said something that really stuck with me the other day. She said that she was trying harder to live in the moment instead of constantly looking forward to what was coming next and what needed to be done. I really took that to heart when she told me that because I'm often looking forward to things or waiting for the next seemingly better thing to come along. But really, sometimes I miss some pretty great moments because I'm waiting for the ones that I think will be better.
So I'm trying harder to take my mom's advice on that one. When I'm with certain people I'm trying to be happy about it and be in the moment. Because sometimes moments can be unexpectedly splendid even though we're not anticipating it.
I hope that you're all doing well tonight and that your break has been really great. I think you're all great and I'm glad that we're all just trying to do our best with what we've been given. I'm here if you need me ;)
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Thursday, December 18, 2008
(8) Big girl (you are beautiful) (8)

Today is post 100! This may be a bit over the top, but I don't really care. I'm having fun with my blog today. I've been thinking a lot about what I would put for post 100 and so I looked at activities you can do for 100 day in school. But none of them really seemed to fit into the blogosphere. So instead I'm just going to list some things about myself. Lame? Probably. Am I going to do it anyway? Yes.
10 Things that make me happy... (no particular order)
1. Balloons
2. Happy Children
3. Music
4. Boys that like girls for who they are and not what they look like
5. Sugar Free pudding and jell-o jigglers
6. dance parties
7. Breaks from school
8. Playing Games
9. Winning Games
10.The Rain
3 Things I love...
1. Family
2. Friends
3. The Gospel
12 Songs or artists that I like right now...
a) Hairspray (almost all of the songs)
b) Big girl you are beautiful by Mika
c) Rascal Flatts (all of their songs)
d) Try a little tenderness by Michael Buble
e) Colbie Cailet
f) Carrie Underwood
g) Daughter of a King
h) Steadfast and Immovable
i) So close from Enchanted
j) Bella's Lullaby from Twilight
k) The Mo Tab
j) BYU Men's Choir
5 Things I don't like...
1. Cottage Cheese
2. Anxiety
3. Snow
4. Stupid boys
5. Shopping for Clothes
5 fun goals that I have...
1. Go somewhere cool and do humanitarian work
2. Sky Dive
3. Eat something exotic while being somewhere exotic
4. Go on a road trip with friends
5. River Raft
3 Serious goals I have...
1. Be a wife and mom
2. Go on a mission if it's right for me
3. Join the Mo Tab
Top 5 Movies...
1. Heavyweights
2. Emperor's New Groove
3. Enchanted
4. Hairspray
5. The Goofy Movie
Top 4 TV shows...
1. Iron Chef America
2. Biggest Loser
3. Food Network Challenge
4. What Not To Wear
Well that's probably enough. I could go for 100 but I don't think anyone would enjoy reading that many things about me. ;) That was fun! I hope that the 100th post lived up to everyone's expectations. It certainly lived up to mine. I had a lot of fun writing those lists and making that picture. Now I need to go study.
Have a great night, everyone. Happy 100th post day!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
(8) All I want for Christmas is you (8)
I haven't written here for a while, but I feel like I want to tonight. I'm feeling... thoughtful tonight. I have some time before I need to start studying for my final on Tuesday so I thought I'd stop by and write. Sometimes it's nice to just write for me. Not because I have a final paper due or a chart to make for something, but just because I feel like writing. My grammer isn't super great when I write here, but I feel all right about that.
Today was a day mixed with all sorts of emotions and feelings. Stuart's farewell meeting was awesome, then I had a near anxiety attack at his house because of all the people, then I made a new friend at church, then I ate my favorite dinner, then I thought about some more difficult things, and now I'm writing to try and forget about the difficult things. My day has been filled with all sorts of ups and downs. My tiredness is probably adding to the more down areas, but all in all it's been a pretty good day.
I'm going to be honest. Sometimes I don't always say everything I want to say on this blog because I know other people read it, but I guess that's probably a good thing. But for the sake of the post, it's been a pretty good day.
So I have my finals coming up this week. I'm feeling pretty good about most of them, so hopefully I'll do well. I also have juries. Those could either be really terrifying or kind of fun depending on how I feel on Tuesday. I'm hoping that it'll lean more towards the fun side. But we'll see what happens.
I know that what I'm doing is what I'm supposed to be doing. Do I always think that it's spectacular? Not always. But I'm happy to report that I am pretty happy with my life right now. Well, I'm off to study. Wish me luck.
Today was a day mixed with all sorts of emotions and feelings. Stuart's farewell meeting was awesome, then I had a near anxiety attack at his house because of all the people, then I made a new friend at church, then I ate my favorite dinner, then I thought about some more difficult things, and now I'm writing to try and forget about the difficult things. My day has been filled with all sorts of ups and downs. My tiredness is probably adding to the more down areas, but all in all it's been a pretty good day.
I'm going to be honest. Sometimes I don't always say everything I want to say on this blog because I know other people read it, but I guess that's probably a good thing. But for the sake of the post, it's been a pretty good day.
So I have my finals coming up this week. I'm feeling pretty good about most of them, so hopefully I'll do well. I also have juries. Those could either be really terrifying or kind of fun depending on how I feel on Tuesday. I'm hoping that it'll lean more towards the fun side. But we'll see what happens.
I know that what I'm doing is what I'm supposed to be doing. Do I always think that it's spectacular? Not always. But I'm happy to report that I am pretty happy with my life right now. Well, I'm off to study. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
(8) I would walk 500 miles (8)
Well I'm writing today because I have nothing better to do. I'll start working on my theory soon, but I don't think it's going to take me three hours... My class was cancelled, and for that I am grateful. But I don't know what to do with myself. I'm meeting with my adviser at one and it is now 10:42. That's still a long ways away. So I'll write here. I'm getting ever closer to 100 posts. I'm sure that no one but me thinks that's pretty exciting, but when it's post 100 you'll all know ;)
Today has been just a really dandy day. I played pretty well for my French Horn playing test, and yesterday I kept myself at a relatively solid A in my online class. I'm not sure that I'll be able to keep it up for the final, but I'm doing my very best. And I finally picked a song for my keyboarding recital. It's in two weeks so I hope I have time to make it beautiful. I'm playing a very beautiful arrangement of Silent Night. I think it'll be a lot of fun. I won't get the extra credit for having it memorized, but I'll play something :D
The best part of today was being a spy. Jessica and I were coughing spies during our break. It was pretty fun.
I am so so so excited for Thanksgiving break. Just thinking about pumpkin pie makes me hungry. It'll be a really good weekend to just do whatever I want. I think that I'm going to go to the little volleyball tournament that my ward is having. I asked for work off so I could go, and now I just have to be brave. Sometimes playing games (especially sports) with boys isn't very fun. But I told myself that if I go I'm just going to have fun and do my best. I haven't played for quite a while, but I love volleyball. I'm just scared some huge boy is going to spike it in my face. Wouldn't that be terrible? I keep envisioning it in my head over and over. Scary. But really, it should be a fun thing for Saturday. I'll let you know if my face gets torn off by a volleyball. Hopefully nothing that traumatic happens, but you never know.
Well I've now wasted about 8 minutes writing this post, so I guess I'll do some theory. Boo theory. Have a spectacular day everyone!
Today has been just a really dandy day. I played pretty well for my French Horn playing test, and yesterday I kept myself at a relatively solid A in my online class. I'm not sure that I'll be able to keep it up for the final, but I'm doing my very best. And I finally picked a song for my keyboarding recital. It's in two weeks so I hope I have time to make it beautiful. I'm playing a very beautiful arrangement of Silent Night. I think it'll be a lot of fun. I won't get the extra credit for having it memorized, but I'll play something :D
The best part of today was being a spy. Jessica and I were coughing spies during our break. It was pretty fun.
I am so so so excited for Thanksgiving break. Just thinking about pumpkin pie makes me hungry. It'll be a really good weekend to just do whatever I want. I think that I'm going to go to the little volleyball tournament that my ward is having. I asked for work off so I could go, and now I just have to be brave. Sometimes playing games (especially sports) with boys isn't very fun. But I told myself that if I go I'm just going to have fun and do my best. I haven't played for quite a while, but I love volleyball. I'm just scared some huge boy is going to spike it in my face. Wouldn't that be terrible? I keep envisioning it in my head over and over. Scary. But really, it should be a fun thing for Saturday. I'll let you know if my face gets torn off by a volleyball. Hopefully nothing that traumatic happens, but you never know.
Well I've now wasted about 8 minutes writing this post, so I guess I'll do some theory. Boo theory. Have a spectacular day everyone!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
(8) nee, nay, nah, no, noo (8)
So something pretty spectacular happened this very day. Flash back about three and a half hours ago to my voice lesson. I walked into said lesson with little else on my mind but making it through the lesson without drying out my throat because I lost my water bottle. I was focused on making it through and getting to other parts of my day. So we start with the usual "nee nay nah no noo" warm-up and I feel like I'm doing pretty well. Now fast forward 20 minutes. We're starting a more difficult warm-up and he tells me a specific ways he wants me to sing the warm-up. So I do. Then, the break through. Suddenly I was singing all mature like. My teacher says, "I think we found Melissa's voice," and we continue to work on it. It was amazing. I have NEVER heard myself sound so... grown up while I sing. I mean I'm not going to be an opera star or anything, but I sounded mature. It's cool. There was so much more power and freedom in my voice. It was really really really cool, and it made me feel pretty good too.
Today's been interesting, and that story might have been a bit more exciting about 3 hours ago when my lesson was over. I was feeling pretty giddy around that time. But it's still a good story and a good day. I have a lot more day left, but I'm excited for it.
I really just wanted to stop in and write about that story. So, I'll be posting again tomorrow hopefully. Have a super good night, friends. I hope you're all doing really well.
Today's been interesting, and that story might have been a bit more exciting about 3 hours ago when my lesson was over. I was feeling pretty giddy around that time. But it's still a good story and a good day. I have a lot more day left, but I'm excited for it.
I really just wanted to stop in and write about that story. So, I'll be posting again tomorrow hopefully. Have a super good night, friends. I hope you're all doing really well.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
(8) This is just a dream (8)
I wish I could sing like Carrie Underwood. I've been watching the CMA awards for the past little while. She was the best. No battle. My mom just told me she's the female vocalist of the year, and I'm not too surprised. She rocks.
So it's been a pretty long time since I've written on this blog of mine. Nine days according to Katie. ;) I'm doing really quite well with this whole school thing. There are still things that I need to do better, but I'm trying. I'm making friends, and I'm even doing something with a few of them this weekend. I wasn't sure that I'd ever have friends at school, but I'm happy that I do. They're great.
I kind of want to write for the next 5 days in a row so that I can get to 100 posts. I'm not sure that I'll do it, but the 100th post on this blog is going to be a pretty spectacular one. I might even draw balloons on paint and post them here. We'll see what happens.
Life is good and things are going well. That definitely doesn't mean that there aren't hard days, but it means that those days are fewer and less significant. I hope you're all doing well and that things are going great for you. Good luck with school, work, or whatever you're doing these days.
P.S. Shout out to Katie. Good luck with your tests! You'll be great!
So it's been a pretty long time since I've written on this blog of mine. Nine days according to Katie. ;) I'm doing really quite well with this whole school thing. There are still things that I need to do better, but I'm trying. I'm making friends, and I'm even doing something with a few of them this weekend. I wasn't sure that I'd ever have friends at school, but I'm happy that I do. They're great.
I kind of want to write for the next 5 days in a row so that I can get to 100 posts. I'm not sure that I'll do it, but the 100th post on this blog is going to be a pretty spectacular one. I might even draw balloons on paint and post them here. We'll see what happens.
Life is good and things are going well. That definitely doesn't mean that there aren't hard days, but it means that those days are fewer and less significant. I hope you're all doing well and that things are going great for you. Good luck with school, work, or whatever you're doing these days.
P.S. Shout out to Katie. Good luck with your tests! You'll be great!
Monday, November 03, 2008
(8) Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' (8)
I'm writing from the music building's computer lab. I heard someone say that they had twelve music classes this semester... and here I was thinking that ten was bad. So, I'm slowly realizing that this keeping my head barely above water thing isn't working out so well for me. I've never been much of a studier, but I think I'm going to have to start working harder at this homework thing. We did rhythm clapping today and talked about instrumental music. What if I get stuck teaching instrumental music?!? What am I going to do? I know nothing about instrumental music, and I definitely don't know enough to teach other people how to do it.
I'm feeling really stressed right now, so I thought that writing on my blog would help me relieve some of that stress. It's working, and I'm feeling a little better.
Yesterday was a really good and bad day for me. I got a lot of things done that should have been done a long time ago, but it still felt good to finish it. I did a tiny bit of homework this week, but not enough. I had a sudden prompting that I needed to go to the CES fireside last night. I've been to one before, and it was all right. But literally I felt like I needed to go about five minutes before it started. So I ran down stairs and threw on a dress all while thinking about how crazy I was acting and I dashed over to the church. I made it just as the opening song was starting. I definitely needed to be there. The presiding bishop talked a lot about what we would make of ourselves. It was good for me to hear. I mean I'm progressing and doing well, but there's still more that I can be doing. The only hard part was realizing that I still have no friends in my singles ward. But I'm sure I'll find some soon. I was worried about it last night, but I'm not super worried about it today. I'll be there for a year at least. That gives me plenty of time to make friends. I hope.
I lead the music in sacrament meeting yesterday! It was absolutely terrifying. It was pretty fun though after I got past the feeling of terror. So it ended up being a pretty exciting adventure.
So my good news of the day is that I got a new job. I start today. I'm working at my mom's school on Mondays after I get out of school. I'm going to be an aide for their after school choir program. So basically I'm going to teach small children to sing. That's the goal at least, and I'm pretty excited about it. Well, I'm scared and excited, but it'll be good. It'll be a really great way for me to ease into the whole teaching business. We'll see how it goes...
So yeah, that's my life right now. I'm getting almost enough sleep, not studying hard enough, trying to change, trying to balance, teaching, learning, and most importantly I'm just trying to be my very best me. It's working pretty well, but I'm not feeling quite so great about everything today. I'm going to try and work harder at this school thing.
I hope you're all doing well. Things are great here minus the cold, and I hope they're great for all of you as well. Have a great week and a spectacular Monday.
I'm feeling really stressed right now, so I thought that writing on my blog would help me relieve some of that stress. It's working, and I'm feeling a little better.
Yesterday was a really good and bad day for me. I got a lot of things done that should have been done a long time ago, but it still felt good to finish it. I did a tiny bit of homework this week, but not enough. I had a sudden prompting that I needed to go to the CES fireside last night. I've been to one before, and it was all right. But literally I felt like I needed to go about five minutes before it started. So I ran down stairs and threw on a dress all while thinking about how crazy I was acting and I dashed over to the church. I made it just as the opening song was starting. I definitely needed to be there. The presiding bishop talked a lot about what we would make of ourselves. It was good for me to hear. I mean I'm progressing and doing well, but there's still more that I can be doing. The only hard part was realizing that I still have no friends in my singles ward. But I'm sure I'll find some soon. I was worried about it last night, but I'm not super worried about it today. I'll be there for a year at least. That gives me plenty of time to make friends. I hope.
I lead the music in sacrament meeting yesterday! It was absolutely terrifying. It was pretty fun though after I got past the feeling of terror. So it ended up being a pretty exciting adventure.
So my good news of the day is that I got a new job. I start today. I'm working at my mom's school on Mondays after I get out of school. I'm going to be an aide for their after school choir program. So basically I'm going to teach small children to sing. That's the goal at least, and I'm pretty excited about it. Well, I'm scared and excited, but it'll be good. It'll be a really great way for me to ease into the whole teaching business. We'll see how it goes...
So yeah, that's my life right now. I'm getting almost enough sleep, not studying hard enough, trying to change, trying to balance, teaching, learning, and most importantly I'm just trying to be my very best me. It's working pretty well, but I'm not feeling quite so great about everything today. I'm going to try and work harder at this school thing.
I hope you're all doing well. Things are great here minus the cold, and I hope they're great for all of you as well. Have a great week and a spectacular Monday.
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